Homework Grading
The homework packets are graded on a 4-point scale, similar to that of the report cards.
4 - Student went above and beyond in effort and quality; did extra challenge work
3 - Complete packet, great quality
2 - Multiple incomplete pages, sloppy work
1 - Very few pages are done
* I give few 4's, so look for a 3.
Homework packets are due every WEDNESDAY. Reading Logs are due every last day of each month or first week of the following month.
Home Connection Projects
* These are the projects that the kids will do throughout the year. Instructions will be sent home near the due dates. These are past year's examples so the students/dates may not reflect the current class.
El Día de los Muertos Altar Project (October)
El Día de Acción de Gracias Project (November)
Mis Vacaciones del Invierno Project (Winter Break)
Mis Cosas Favoritas Mini-Project (January-February)
Animal Technology Project (May)
El Día de Acción de Gracias Project (November)
Mis Vacaciones del Invierno Project (Winter Break)
Mis Cosas Favoritas Mini-Project (January-February)
Animal Technology Project (May)
Reading Logs
Instructions: Color in an object (acorn, turkey, etc.) for every 5-15 or more minutes of reading every night. This will be mostly reading by you in english until they begin reading in Spanish independently. Reading mini-books I send home also count as reading.* English Homework calendars will begin in January.
September Reading Log
October Reading Log
November Reading Log
December Reading Log
January Reading Log
February Reading Log
March Reading Log
April Reading Log
May Reading Log
English Homework Calendars
January English Homework
February English Homework
March English Homework
April English Homework
May English Homework
February English Homework
March English Homework
April English Homework
May English Homework
Homework Helpers and Resources
Smarty Ants
Wide-lined paper for writing
Addition Math Fact Fluency
Subtraction Math Fact Fluency
Addition Math Fact Fluency
Subtraction Math Fact Fluency
Spanish Homework
December 11 - December 17
**The Winter Project instructions went home today.
1) Math Homelink 4-10: Comparing volume/capacity. You can draw objects with less and more volume or take photos and email.2) 2-Syllable Words: Connect the two syllables to make the words. Trace and write the word on the line. Color the picture. Here they are in order: mesa, dado, pato, puma
3) Mini-book: Read the book "Peso pesado." Circle the sight words "este, ella, y, voy, tiene." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra F, V, B, D, N, Tri. 2 Sight words in both Spanish and English, Smarty Ants Lessons
December 4 - December 11
**The December reading log went home today.
1) Math Homelink 4-9: Comparing weight. You can draw a balance with the lighter thing on the top and heavier thing on the bottom or take a photo of your child with the two objects. Do this with 2-3 pairs of objects.2) Letter Ff: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book. Circle the sight word "este." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations. Is your child already reading independently? Talk to me and we can start him or her on the Book Club.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra F, Tri. 2 Sight words in both Spanish and English, Smarty Ants Lessons
November 6 - November 13
**The November reading log went home today.
1) Math Homelink 3-12: Monster Squeeze. Complete the activity and record on the workbook page. Which numbers did you use? You can also take a video or picture of you playing. Kids really love this game.2) Letter Dd: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "Todo es sonido!" Circle the sight word "y." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations. Is your child already reading independently? Talk to me and we can start him or her on the Book Club.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra D, Color blanco, Tri. 1 Sight words in both Spanish and English, Smarty Ants Lessons
October 30 - November 6
1) Math Homelink 3-8: Complete the activity and record on the workbook page.
2) Letter Nn: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "Mi paseo" Circle the sight word "ella." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations. Is your child already reading independently? Talk to me and we can start him or her on the Book Club.
4) Optional NGSS Activity: Severe Weather
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra N, Color rosado, Smarty Ants Lessons
October 23 - October30
1) Math Homelink 3-6: Explain which Simon Says instructions you use. Do at least 5.
2) Two-Syllable words: Connect and write the two syllable words. Color the picture.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "El ciempies" Circle the sight words. Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra S, P, L, T, M, Color negro, Insectos, Smarty Ants Lessons
October 16 - October 23
1) Math Homelink 3-2: Use pennies to play the game. Show how many heads and how many tails. Also, write a number sentence 10=___+____.
2) Letter Ss: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "Esa es mi casa!" Circle the sight word "es." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
4) Optional NGSS Activity: Pale versus Dark Surfaces
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra S, Color Anaranjado, Herramientas/Tools we use, Familia/Familiy, Mascotas/Pets, Smarty Ants Lessons
October 9 - October16
1) Math Homelink 3-1: sort objects such as toys. Line them up like a graph so you can easily see which group has the most, the least, etc.
2) Letter Ll: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "A la maleta!" Circle the sight word "un." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
4) Optional NGSS Activity: Time in the Sunlight
**Work on the altar project. The altar should be set up by next Friday.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra L, Color Morado, Herramientas/Tools we use, Smarty Ants Lessons
October 2 - October 9
1) Math Homelink 2-7: sort groceries. What's your rule? Draw or take a picture of your groups. This is usually a really fun activity for them.
2) Letter Tt: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "El tomate" Circle the sight word "el." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
4) Optional Science Activity: Surface in Shade and Sunlight - This goes with our science pilot. Follow the directions on the page.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra T, Color Morado
September 25 - October 2
**Turn in your September reading log. A new one will go home next week. Also, continue to work on Smarty Ants at home.
1) Math Homelink 2-3: Make a collage of triangles, draw some objects with that shape, or take photos and email the teacher.2) Letter P: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-book: Read the book "Veo, veo..." Circle the sight word "veo." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red. Color the illustrations.
4) Optional Science Activity: Describe the weather (English version) - This is goes with our science pilot. Follow the directions on the page.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra P, Color Verde, Partes de la cara, Partes del cuerpo, Partes interiores
September 18 - September 25
1) Math Homelink 1-9: Using any objects, play the game. Draw the different ways you made the number. You can also use numbers and make a number sentence. ex. 3+2=52) Letter M: Color the capitals red and lowercases blue. Trace the letter and syllables. Draw something that starts with the letter.
3) Mini-Book: Read the book "Yo soy doctora" Don't worry about reading the long words, just focus on the sight words Yo and Soy. Circle the sight words "Yo" and "soy." Also, trace the capital green, spaces yellow, and period red.
4) Smarty Ants: Log into the website and start playing. The first few logins will place your child in the appropriate level.
Challenge: Work on Quizlet sets Letra M, Color Azul, Acciones en la escuela, acciones en el patio, acciones en casa.
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