Sunday, September 8, 2019

Week 3: Jobs and Scholastic book orders

This is last year's class.

Classroom Jobs 

Now that the kids are familiar with many of the routines, I will be assigning them a weekly job.  Please give your child a heads up about having a job.  The kids LOVE having a responsibility.  Every child will have a job and the jobs will change weekly.  If they don't get the job they want, just remind them that all jobs are important and that they will get their turn in future weeks to do ALL jobs. The jobs will be on the blue pocket chart near the door.

Jobs include:  sharpen pencils, pass out papers, pass out materials, messenger, first in line, line ender, pass out wipes, trash collector, cleaner, organize toys, put lunches in a line, clip chart manager, librarians, mail stuffers, teacher's assistant, etc.

Color Wednesday:  Here is the schedule for wearing the color of the week on Wednesdays.  Color Schedule

Books, books, books!!

You can order scholastic books! If you click on the link to the right, you can check out my recommended books and class wishlist.  Ordering online is preferred as the shipping is free, it's much easier to process, and we get class points.

Many of the books are in both English and Spanish, so you can still read the books to them and then when they start reading in Spanish, they can read the same books to YOU.  I HIGHLY recommend buying a set of "Cuentos Foneticos 1-36."  It is a bit pricey ($65), but parents have agreed that it was a great investment as it helped their kids become readers.  If you don't wish to purchase them, that's okay.  I have a few copies of each book in my class and when I feel your child is ready, I will start lending them out.  This usually happens between October and January, depending on your child's readiness level.

Click the link on the side bar to order books from our class book club.  Online orders earn us class points that I use to buy more books for the classroom library.

These are the topics for week 3:

Language Arts:  The letters of the week are /i/, /e/, and /u/.  The students will be learning the songs for these letters, will practice tracing them, and will be learning vocabulary words that begin with the letters.  The songs in the dropbox are called "Ignacio e Iván," "Edgar Elefante," and "Ulises Unicornio."

Math:  They will be counting and tracing numbers 1 through 3.  In addition, they will learn about graphs using their birthdays and some of their favorite things.  They will compare different columns to describe which have more or less (más or menos).

Color:  The color of the week is yellow/amarillo.  Don't forget to wear yellow on Wednesday.

SLD: Students will be learning about different objects they see at school.  These will be separated into three categories:  furniture/los muebles, school supplies/los utiles escolares, and technology/la tecnología. They will be using the sentence frame: Yo veo _____./I see _______.

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