Sunday, March 8, 2020

Week 26: Parent Conferences and Leprechaun Trap

Spring Picture Day: March 10th

Parent Conferences:  Thursday and Friday school is out at 12:15pm. They are Only for some parents who I emailed. Please be on time, especially on Friday because I have duty right after school.

A past year's trap example.

St. Patrick's Day:  We are making a leprechaun trap.  If you want to help us make it, we will start Thursday morning. Please let me know if you can help.

Latin Cultural Performance


Girls:  The PTA was generous enough to purchase dresses for the girls.  They will be reused in the future, so please return them washed after using them for the performance. I will send them home to see if they fit. They are meant to fit tightly. The Medium is significantly bigger, so keep that in mind. Please iron them for the day of the performance. 

You are responsible for:

Black dress shoes and black stockings, hair combed to the side. A red rose will be provided to put in their hair. Let me know if the bag DOES NOT include a rose.


  • Black pants, white button up long-sleeved shirt 
  • Black shoes (preferably dress shoes)
  • Red sash to tie around waste will be provided 

Here are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'q' that is pronounced 'cu.' The sight words are "dice/says" and "vamos/let's go."

Math: We will do a variety of actives from comparing weight to decomposing and word problems.

NGSS:  We will discuss the characteristics of fish.

Sunday, March 1, 2020

Week 25: Mammals and Latin Cultural Performance Info


"At-Promise" Parent Conferences:  Thursday and Friday, March 12-13 school is out at 12:15pm. They are Only for some parents who I emailed.

St. Patrick's Day:  We are making a leprechaun trap.  If you want to help us make it, we will start Next Thursday morning. Please let me know if you can help.

Latin Cultural Performance

The Immersion Program will put on our seventh annual Latin Cultural Performance.  Each class will learn and dance a different type of latin dance (flamenco, salsa, folklorico, tango, etc.). Our class is learning the Sevillanas flamenco from Sevilla, where I studied abroad in college.

The evening is divided into two separate presentations due to the amount of people and limited seating in the amphitheater. There will be a 30 minute intermission in between. We are in the first act from 5-5:30. You will drop your child off in my classroom at 4:40 and then find a seat. Some of you have other children in the program and may watch both presentations.

Date:  Wednesday, April 1st  Time:  5pm (1st round)

Flier click here.


Girls:  The PTA was generous enough to purchase dresses for the girls.  They will be reused in the future, so please return them washed after using them for the performance. I already sent them home to see if they fit. They are meant to fit tightly. The Medium is significantly bigger, so keep that in mind. Please iron them for the day of the performance. 

You are responsible for:

Black dress shoes and black stockings, hair combed to the side. A red rose will be provided to put in their hair. Let me know if the bag DOES NOT include a rose.


  • Black pants, white button up long-sleeved shirt 
  • Black shoes (preferably dress shoes)
  • Red sash to tie around waste will be provided



These are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'C.' It has two sounds but we will focus on the hard sound such as in the word "cat."  The sight words are "dónde/where" and "está/is."

Math: We will be doing some word problem and teen number assessments for the report card. In addition, they will continue to practice addition and subtraction.

Science: We are starting to learn about animal groups and will start with the characteristics of mammals. Sea World project instructions will go home soon.

Sunday, February 23, 2020

Week 24: Love of Reading Week and Smarty Plants Field Trip

**I will be out tomorrow for an NGSS meeting at the District Office. I will be back on Tuesday.

Ms. Smarty Plants Field Trip

On Tuesday, February 25th, we will be going to the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College. We will be back by noon and will eat at school as usual. The volunteers will have a backpack to put the kids' snacks so they can eat their snack at the garden. This should be a super fun field trip and they will be coming home with a stone and seeds. They will also get a succulent that they will plant in the garden at school.

Does anyone want to come in and read to the students in English?  You can bring your favorite book or Dr. Seuss book and come and do a mini-lesson read aloud with the students. Let me know if you would like to come in and when.
In celebration of Dr. Seuss’s birthday, Lakeview will be celebrating “Love of Reading Week” this week! 
Read Across America

Love of Reading Week

February 24 - 28

“My Many Colored Days” (Wear Many Colors) 
“Fox In Socks”  (Wear Crazy Socks)
“Great Day for Dress Up” (Dress up Like Your Favorite Book Character) 
“Cat in the Hat” (Wear a Hat to School!) 
“Sleep Book” (Wear Pajamas to School!  
  *Please Note: Closed-Toe shoes MUST Be Worn – No Slippers)

Looking Ahead....

March parent conferences (March 12-13) are only for students who are considered "at-
risk" based on District-wide at-risk identifiers. These students are usually struggling in multiple academic areas and receive many 1's and 2's. Don't be alarmed if we have to meet. It's a great opportunity to discuss any progress from the first trimester and any goals for improving by the end of the year. You will be contacted if you need to set up a conference. Those two days will be early release days (12:15pm). 

Mark your calendars for our Latin Cultural Performance on Wednesday, April 1st. If you are positive that your child will not be able to make it that day, please let me know because that will affect the choreography of the dance. We are dancing the flamenco as usual, and we have already started practicing.

This is a message from Mrs. Arnold:

A “Friendly” Reminder
Parents/Families & Middle School Siblings: If you arrive at school before 2:50pm, PLEASE wait at the blue lunch tables (NOT in front of your child’s classroom… NOT at the blue benches under the trees…. NOT on the Upper Playground Tables)  Many teachers are reporting that precious learning time is being disrupted by noise & activity outside their classrooms.   While waiting at the blue lunch tables, PLEASE watch your young children to ensure they are quiet, in control, and exhibiting safe behavior.  Kinders and siblings may NOT play on ANY playground equipment while on campus.  Siblings are not covered by our district’s insurance policy and therefore it creates a liability for us.  We truly appreciate your cooperation as we strive to ensure the safety of every child AND protect precious learning time for our students!!!

Topics for this week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'Gg' suave and we will focus on the soft sound as in the word "gato." The focus sight words are "quién" and "al." We will also continue with rhymes and will read some Dr. Seuss books in Spanish and English. Our narratives revolve around things we've done in the past and how we felt.

Math:  We will continue with teen numbers and word problems.

Science: We have a field trip about plants on Tuesday and on Thursday, a guest will come in to teach the kids about microgreens. There will also be an assembly on Friday that will teach the kids about recycling.

Monday, February 17, 2020

Week 23: Another Short Week

 *There will be a sub both this Friday and next Monday. Mrs. Henderson will be the sub.


Here are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'll' pronounced 'elle.'  It has the same sounds as the 'y.' The sight words of the week are "muy" and "tengo."  We are reading books about animals.

: We are continuing to write, count, and decompose the teen numbers. In addition, we are counting in a known sequence in order. Students will notice patterns about numbers on the 100 chart.

SLD/Writing: We will be exploring rhymes and will identify and write rhyming words. We will start reading some Dr. Seuss books if we have time. Next week is Read Across America week. We will also continue writing short narratives of what we did in the past such as this past three day weekend.

Monday, February 10, 2020

Week 22: Valentine's Day and Kids Heart Challenge

Friday is both Valentine's Day and Kids Heart Challenge. We will be jumping in the morning from 8:45-9:15am. Please make sure your child has a reusable water bottle and it has a name and room number on it. You may come watch and/or participate. The kids love to see the parents out there. Just make sure to check in and get a volunteer badge.

Valentine's boxes are due. I will have some Trader Joe's bags as backups who did not bring a box. Make sure the box is labeled! If you are sending your child with Valentine's cards, please have them in a labeled bag and they will remain in their backpacks until they can pass them out at the end of the day. If the bag is too big, there may be room in the classroom to store them.

*No individual names, please. Just write your child's name on it. Students cannot read each other's name and it takes too long to pass them out if they have names on them.

*No food/candy please.

Trimester 2 Report Cards are less than a month away. It's already time for assessments. Here is the Trimester 2 Checklist. Use it to check of things that your child can do and still needs more practice.

Here are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  This is a review week. We will review letters and sounds as well as sight words from that last several weeks.

Math:  We will be continuing writing, decomposing, and counting teen numbers as well as review other skills.

SLD/Writing:  We will continue talking about what we did in the past in the form of a narrative. Students will work with their older buddies to create tech projects around this topic.

NGSS Science:   We will be continuing our sequence about nocturnal animals. Students will research a few different animals and draw a model about how they get their needs met and when during the day.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Week 21: 100th Day of School!

The Run for the Arts event was awesome. There were more than 600 people there and we even ran out of shirts. Thanks for those who participated in any way!

Tuesday is 100th Day! Feel free to dress up as a 100 year old man or lady.



Here are the topics for the week:

Lanaguage Arts:  The letter of the week is ñ, which is pronounced /enye/. This is a letter unique to Spanish. The sight words of the week are "juego/I play" and "para/for."

Math:  We will be jumping into teens for the first time. As we talk about and practice writing the teen numbers, we also emphasize how these numbers are decomposed as one group of 10 and then some more ones.

SLD/Writing;  We will write about what we will do when we are 100 years old. I'm planning on taking photos of them with an app that turns their face old and wrinkly. It's really adorable and funny.

NGSS Science:  We will be beginning our sequence on nocturnal animals by discussing which animals they think live in Lakeside, why some are not around during the day, and where they hide.

Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 20: Favorite Things Presentations

This week we will have presentations starting on Tuesday-Friday. Please make sure your child states the thing that is the favorite. If they say "cosa favorita," it is incorrect because it just means "favorite thing."  They should say specifically what it is such as favorite toy or movie. Let me know if you have questions about the project.

If you still want to pre-register for Run for the Arts or if you have registered and want to pick up your shirts and bids, you can come to Eastbound on Monday and Yogurt Barn on Wednesday.

Saturday, Feb. 21st is the 5K Run for the Arts at Lindo Lake! Come early if you still need to pick up your shirts and bids at the registration booth.

Here are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'ch' which is pronounced 'che.' The sound is the same as in English. We will also read stories about the seasons and different weather. The sight words of the week are "mira/watch or look" and "en/in or on."

Math:  We will jump into subtraction and also continue to work on word problems.

SLD:  We will have our favorites presentations. Students will be assessed on their ability to write an opinion piece that states something they really like and one or two reasons why (much like the projects) but they will need to do this independently. They may use the sentence frames, vocabulary words, etc. to reference. This score will go on the report card for trimester 2.

Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 19: Another Four Day Week

 I will be in Monterey with the NGSS team doing a training. I will be gone both Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Henderson will be my sub.


Important Upcoming Dates:


 Family Science Night - January 23rd

 Eastbound Fundraiser - January 27th

Yogurt Barn fundraiser - January 29th

Run for the Arts - February 1st


These are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'y' pronounced 'igriega.' It has the same sounds as in English but sometimes sounds like the English /j/.

Math: We will continue to work on word problems and making 10.

SLD/Writing:  Favorite Book - We will be writing about our favorite books and why. Please have your child bring his/her favorite book or piece of paper with the title. This will help them when they write what the name of their favorite book is.

NGSS Science:  Students will learn about the process of foods going from seed to our plate and what it takes to get the things we need. It all works together as a system. We will also start another lesson sequence on nocturnal animals that I designed with other LV Kinder teachers.

Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 18: English Homework and Run for the Arts

Upcoming Events

January 17th - No School. The teachers have a Professional Development Day.

January 20th - No school in observance of MLK Day.

January 23rd - Science Night at 5:30pm

January 23-24 - I will be in Monterrey for NGSS. Mrs. Henderson will be the sub.

Run for the Arts Events

January 27th - Eastbound Fundraiser/pre-registration 5-9

January 29th - Yogurt Barn Fundraiser/pre-registration 4-8

February 1st - Race Day 9am

English Homework


1) Remember to NOT turn in the English homework with the weekly Spanish Homework. It will be turned in at the end of each month just like you have been doing with the reading log.

2) Color in two spaces each week. Smarty Ants can count as one of the two assignments. If there is evidence such as a writing paper or drawing or photo, please include that in the packet at the end of the month or email. You may also want to write a list of the things you witnessed your child do if it was a hands-on task. Also, if you prefer to do a Math Homelink instead of one of the math suggestions, you may do-so, just provide evidence of which one you did. I will not be assigning anymore Homelinks for the rest of the year.

3) The list of the sight words to practice is on the calendar. You don't need to practice them every night, but it would be nice to review them from time to time, make flashcards, or use Quizlet as a resource.

Here are the topics for the week


Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'Jj,' pronounced 'jota.' The sound is just as the English /h/. We will be reading books about farms and gardens. The sight word is "por/for."

Math:  We will be continuing making 10 practice and will be starting on writing and representing word problems. The word problem format is brand new to them, but they will do one at least once a year for the next several weeks. We plan to start the routine "Word Problem Wednesdays."

SLD/Writing:  We will describe our favorite things. We will discuss which animals and sports we like and explain why we like them.

**Instructions for the Favorites Mini-Project will go home soon. This project can be as simple as bringing in favorite things from home to show and tell.

Science:  We will observe various plants and what they all and what only some plants need to grow and survive. We will also talk about farming.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

Week 17: Vacation Presentations and Favorites

I wanted to formally thank everyone for their wonderful gifts. I felt very appreciated. Thanks so much!! I hope you all had a great Christmas and New Year's.


I had a wonderful break and go to play in some snow!



I will have a sub on Thursday and Friday, January 23rd and 24th for an NGSS trip to Monterey Bay.

Wednesday is the Immersion information meeting at 5pm. Spread the word to parents of incoming Kindergarteners who are not already part of the program.



Vacations project

I made a google slides about my vacation. Click here.

Please send me links to your projects if it is a tech one.


Kids will be receiving P.E. twice a week with Miss Sydney Meyers. If your child is recommended to be in my reading intervention group, you will be notified. If not, just know that your child will be doing P.E. on Tuesdays and Fridays. Please make sure that they wear comfortable shoes.

Topics for the Week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'Rr' pronounced 'ere.' The sight word of the week is "qué" which means "what."

Math: We will continue number bonds and the number 10.

SLD/Writing: We will be talking about the things we love and use adjectives to describe why we like them. This is in preparation for the next Home-School Connection project where they will bring in some of their favorite things to share with the class. It is also a Kindergarten Writing standard to express an opinion about something and tell why they like it.

Science: We will begin the NGSS unit that I have helped co-write with other Lakeview teachers. It is about what people, animals, and plants need to survive. We will also talk about how they get those needs met.