Sunday, January 12, 2020

Week 18: English Homework and Run for the Arts

Upcoming Events

January 17th - No School. The teachers have a Professional Development Day.

January 20th - No school in observance of MLK Day.

January 23rd - Science Night at 5:30pm

January 23-24 - I will be in Monterrey for NGSS. Mrs. Henderson will be the sub.

Run for the Arts Events

January 27th - Eastbound Fundraiser/pre-registration 5-9

January 29th - Yogurt Barn Fundraiser/pre-registration 4-8

February 1st - Race Day 9am

English Homework


1) Remember to NOT turn in the English homework with the weekly Spanish Homework. It will be turned in at the end of each month just like you have been doing with the reading log.

2) Color in two spaces each week. Smarty Ants can count as one of the two assignments. If there is evidence such as a writing paper or drawing or photo, please include that in the packet at the end of the month or email. You may also want to write a list of the things you witnessed your child do if it was a hands-on task. Also, if you prefer to do a Math Homelink instead of one of the math suggestions, you may do-so, just provide evidence of which one you did. I will not be assigning anymore Homelinks for the rest of the year.

3) The list of the sight words to practice is on the calendar. You don't need to practice them every night, but it would be nice to review them from time to time, make flashcards, or use Quizlet as a resource.

Here are the topics for the week


Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'Jj,' pronounced 'jota.' The sound is just as the English /h/. We will be reading books about farms and gardens. The sight word is "por/for."

Math:  We will be continuing making 10 practice and will be starting on writing and representing word problems. The word problem format is brand new to them, but they will do one at least once a year for the next several weeks. We plan to start the routine "Word Problem Wednesdays."

SLD/Writing:  We will describe our favorite things. We will discuss which animals and sports we like and explain why we like them.

**Instructions for the Favorites Mini-Project will go home soon. This project can be as simple as bringing in favorite things from home to show and tell.

Science:  We will observe various plants and what they all and what only some plants need to grow and survive. We will also talk about farming.

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