Sunday, January 26, 2020

Week 20: Favorite Things Presentations

This week we will have presentations starting on Tuesday-Friday. Please make sure your child states the thing that is the favorite. If they say "cosa favorita," it is incorrect because it just means "favorite thing."  They should say specifically what it is such as favorite toy or movie. Let me know if you have questions about the project.

If you still want to pre-register for Run for the Arts or if you have registered and want to pick up your shirts and bids, you can come to Eastbound on Monday and Yogurt Barn on Wednesday.

Saturday, Feb. 21st is the 5K Run for the Arts at Lindo Lake! Come early if you still need to pick up your shirts and bids at the registration booth.

Here are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'ch' which is pronounced 'che.' The sound is the same as in English. We will also read stories about the seasons and different weather. The sight words of the week are "mira/watch or look" and "en/in or on."

Math:  We will jump into subtraction and also continue to work on word problems.

SLD:  We will have our favorites presentations. Students will be assessed on their ability to write an opinion piece that states something they really like and one or two reasons why (much like the projects) but they will need to do this independently. They may use the sentence frames, vocabulary words, etc. to reference. This score will go on the report card for trimester 2.

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