Monday, January 20, 2020

Week 19: Another Four Day Week

 I will be in Monterey with the NGSS team doing a training. I will be gone both Thursday and Friday. Mrs. Henderson will be my sub.


Important Upcoming Dates:


 Family Science Night - January 23rd

 Eastbound Fundraiser - January 27th

Yogurt Barn fundraiser - January 29th

Run for the Arts - February 1st


These are the topics for the week:

Language Arts:  The letter of the week is 'y' pronounced 'igriega.' It has the same sounds as in English but sometimes sounds like the English /j/.

Math: We will continue to work on word problems and making 10.

SLD/Writing:  Favorite Book - We will be writing about our favorite books and why. Please have your child bring his/her favorite book or piece of paper with the title. This will help them when they write what the name of their favorite book is.

NGSS Science:  Students will learn about the process of foods going from seed to our plate and what it takes to get the things we need. It all works together as a system. We will also start another lesson sequence on nocturnal animals that I designed with other LV Kinder teachers.

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